List of participants

Alain Arrault, Directeur d’études  at EFEO, member of the UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon: historian of religion and intellectual history of China, his research ranges from pre-modern intellectual history and medieval Chinese calendars to the popular religion of late imperial China, especially in Hunan province.

Radu Negura-Bichir, is a Ph.D. candidate at the Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 (UMR 8155, CRCAO: East Asian Civilisations Research Centre). He works on the practice of divination and  mantic arts as recounted in Hong Mai’s Yijian zhi.

Joachim Boittout is a Ph.D. candidate at the EHESS: his research focuses on early Republican newspapers and late Han and Wei-Jin poetry.

Michela Bussotti, Maître de conferences (Hdr) at EFEO, member of the UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon: she works on the history of publishing and cultural history; her interests include the history of manuscripts, book printing and genealogies in early modern China, as well as popular culture and local society.

Mary Augusta Brazelton, Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge. She is a University Lecturer in Global Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Her fields of interest include the history of modern East Asia, specifically the history of science, technology, and medicine in 20th c. China; global studies of science and medicine; history of modern medicine and microbiology; and, Manchu studies.

Adam Chau, University Senior Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, is an anthropologist with an interest in social and cultural transformations in modern and contemporary China.  He works on Chinese religions, especially their social and political aspects, forms of powerful writing, and, the Indonesian Chinese returnees in China and Hong Kong.

Chen Zi is a Ph.D candidate in the Department of East Asian Studies in Cambridge.  She is presently analyzing change in modern China through the study of changes in ritual-offerings, their production and consumption, as well as the evolution of ritual-offerings in the household economy.

Hajnalka Elias is a Ph.D. candidate, in the Department of East Asian Studies in Cambridge.. She is a cultural and art historian of the Eastern Han dynasty, with an interest in using material culture and early textual sources for the study of regional identity in the southwest border territories, the area occupied by the former Shu and Ba cultures of present-day Sichuan province

Claude Chevaleyre, currently a post-doc at the EFEO and a temporary junior research fellow at the Center for Studies on Modern and Contemporary China (EHESS, Paris), finished his Ph.D dissertation in 2015; he is a late imperial historian with an interest in the interaction of law and social custom, as in the practice of bondservitude.

A.M.J. Forrester, after an MPhil in AMES (Chinese) at the University of Cambridge, is now a Ph.D candidate under the supervision of Prof. Adam Chau. She is studying Chinese religion and her primary focus is on Daoist priests in contemporary China.

Yang Fu is a historian focusing on the social,-political, religious, and intellectual history of China up to the end of the Tang.  After a Master of Arts in the Department of History of National Taiwan University, he acquired his Cambridge doctorate in 2016 at Cambridge with a dissertation on the history of economic discourse in early Chinese thought.

Imre Galambos, Reader in Chinese, Department of East Asian Studies: his interests include medieval China, Dunhuang studies, the history of Chinese writing, Chinese manuscripts and epigraphy, contacts between China and Central Asia, Tangut studies, and the history of the exploration of Central Asia.

Francois Gipouloux, Directeur de recherches émerite in CNRS and former director of the UMR 8173 CCJ, An economic historian working on modern East Asia, with a focus on commercial groups and maritime activities in modern China, he is a director of the program URBACHINA: Sustainable Urbanisation in China, Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Mega-trends towards 2050 (7e PCRD).

Christian Lamouroux, Directeur d’études at EHESS is member of the UMR 8173 – CCJ. He works on early modern Chinese social and economic history, concerned both with rural change and fiscal history; his research interests include Song dynasty administration and literati groups’ activities.

Joseph P. McDermott, Emeritus Reader in Chinese History, Fellow of St. John’s College, Department of East Asian Studies. He is interested in Chinese late imperial social and economic history, his research ranging from village life in Huizhou (in south Anhui province) during the Song and Ming to the activities of hereditary Jiangnan book collecting families during the Qing dynasty.  When he has the time, he indulges in the study of Chinese art.

Liming LI, after a Master of Sociology at Renmin University of China (RUC), Beijing, P.R. China, she is now a PhD candidate in the Anthropology in Modern China in the Department of East Asian Studies at Cambridge.

Lou Mo is a M.A. student working at EHESS on the exchange of artworks among Song literati. She is interested in seeing how artworks changed hands, as recorded in such primary sources as correspondence and art commentaries.  She is examining the multiple identities of the Song cultural elite as, among other things,  artists, collectors, and art critics.

Ghassan Moazzin is a Ph.D. candidate in modern Chinese history in the Department of East Asian Studies at Cambridge. He works on foreign banking and international finance in late Qing and early Republican China.

Avital Rom finished her Cambridge MPhil in 2015 and presently is a Ph.D candidate in the Department of East Asian Studies at Cambridge. She works on textual references to music during the Han dynasty.

Wang Huayan holds a teaching position of Chinese language and civilization at the ENS de Lyon. She finished her Ph.D dissertation in 2015 at the EHESS on the social history of worship (10th -15th c.). Her interest focuses on the history of local society in pre-modern China, especially its practices of local religions and village management.

Wu Huiyi finished her Ph.D in 2013 (Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7/ Instituto Italiano di Scienze Umane – SUM, Florence, Italie). Working at the Needham Research Institute (Cambridge), she is an historian of the relationship between early modern China and Europe.

Xie Lingqiong is a PhD candidate of EHESS and a member of the UMR CCJ (EHESS-CNRS). She is interested in the notion of guji (traces of the past) during the Republican China, as well as the restoration of Buddhists temples in Ningbo during the same period.

Cheng Yang is an economic historian, working on the economic development of 18th-19th century China, as seen in changes in Chinese living standards and occupation structure described in local gazetteers and criminal records. After his MPhil in economic and social history (2015) he is now a PhD candidate in the Faculty of History at Cambridge.

Chao Zhang’s research revolves around themes such as Chinese Buddhist historiography, Chan/Zen literature, and the religious practice of local elites in Pre-modern China. After completing her PhD (EPHE, 2014) on Buddhism and biji during the Southern Song Dynasty, she is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the East Asian Civilisations Research Centre (CRCAO, UMR 8155, Paris).

Fang Zhang finished her Ph.D dissertation in 2016 at the EHESS, andis presently working on merchants and elites strategies of education (late imperial and contemporary China).