Village agreements (Lamouroux)

In the 1990s a group of Chinese and French scholars collected—and then in 2003 published—several texts regarding water management in Sanyuan 三原 and Jingyang 涇陽 counties.  These two counties are located north of Xi’an and in the foothills which border the Wei valley in Shaanxi. Many rivers there have been managed and manipulated since antiquity. The most famous and important of these hydraulic systems is the Jinghui canal 涇惠渠, which is the 1932 version of the ancient Zhengguo canal 鄭國渠.  According to Sima Qian, this canal was dug and connected by the Qin kingdom to the Jing river 涇水in 246 BC, that is before the establishment of the first imperial dynasty.

Among the collected texts, there is one manuscript清峪河各渠記事簿, which was compiled by a canal deputy named Liu Pingshan 劉屏山 (d. 1935) and is interesting for shedding light on small canals connected to two rivers located to the east of the Jingshui valley: the Qingyu River 清峪河 and its tributary, the Yeyu River 冶峪河. In early 20th century, a water conservancy association (shuili xiehui 水利協會) managed the water of the canals which was used by several villages since at least the Ming dynasty. These canals are no longer extant today due to the construction of several upstream dams.

According to the operating rules of this Agreement, all villages with fields irrigated by the same canal, for instance the Yuancheng canal 源澄渠 of which Liu Pingshan was the delegate, were to cooperate in managing and enjoying fair use of the canal’s water.  Yet, the entire system invariably produced tensions and conflicts, not least among the six canals connected to the Qingyu River. We can summarize the origin of these ongoing conflicts as follows:

– The strict maintenance of water rights by the upstream canals, when the quantity of the river water was reduced due to changes in the system especially in droughts, resulted in regular demands from downstream canals for the negotiation of a new deal.
– The use of water by upstream canals which have not registered to be in the Agreement.  These canals’ access to the upstream water was regarded as illegal viewed by downstream villagers who still had to pay tax on land officially registered as “irrigated.,” Meanwhile, the upstream villagers “illegally” were free-riding the Agreement to use canal water but paying lower rates of taxes for fields that were officially registered as “dry.”.
– The ability of some groups, whom we can view as local elites, to mobilize social resources and their knowledge of the bureaucratic organization, in order to draw private benefits in ambiguous situations.  For instance, any lawsuit or legal proceeding invariably involved two or three administrative jurisdictions, given that the Qingyu river was the border between Jingyang and Sanyuan counties; or the Yeyu water irrigated lands located in Jingyang, while the connections of the canals were located on Sanyuan territory. Moreover, because of ongoing political changes, the water conservancy organization was itself undergoing changes that Liu Pingshan himself looked on unfavorably.

We can add that the role of the water conservancy association and the way it operated appear mainly through the resolution of conflicts. Moreover, because of the small scale of the operations regarding canals, which were only a few kilometers distant from each other, just before the entry of the Qingyu river into the Wei plain, we are in a position to access the ideas and reactions of the groups of users, the families and even some persons, like Liu Pingshan or his opponents. In other words, Liu Pingshan’s texts give access to the categories used by the users themselves in their demands to assert their rights. Hence, by paying attention to tensions, conflicts, and the language used by different parties to make these claims, we can try to understand the ceaseless process of the creation of norms by the canals’ users, and more generally to reconstruct their idea of “the public good.”  Or, to quote Liu Pingshan’s own wording, we can fathom how “common principles are naturally in all the hearts” (公理自在人心).


自余棄讀業農以來,因種有水地,往往因水屢起爭競,始而賠情、傷臉[1] 、花錢,繼而認罪受罰,甚至涉訟。倘有因水興訟,則立刻傾家破產矣!所以訟終之後,必歸於凶也。故余於志書、碑記、水冊等文,凡有關於水程之處,必錄而藏諸笥。民國十七八年,旱魃〔居〕(足)然為虐,比歲連年,夏秋各田,直未下種,即薄收亦云無矣,尚能望其諸禾以登場哉!天道久旱不雨,新栽之樹,居然旱死。秋禾既然未播,二麥仍莫下種,以致糊口無資,困苦已達極點。而餓死之人,無村無之。且苛捐雜項,糧秣、柴草、鞋襪、借款,以及格外特別之派出,急如星火;而正供賦稅,徵收嚴厲,又有無名色之派項,額外之附加捐稅。用強權以壓迫民眾,用〔非〕(飛)刑強硬手段以徵收,直不講公理,全不行人道,敲民眾之骨,吸民眾之髓,而〔刮〕(剮)地皮之風,於焉大張矣。何云民生,何有於民權?而政治之專橫,直不啻專專專己也!軍閥、貪官、惡紳、土豪、汙吏、惡差等,無非為錢,而始有此虎狼之行也。時余固乏食,因結借[2]無門,公款、私債交相逼迫,只有垂頭待斃而已。無聊之中,遂將余從前所錄水程之文,由笥中取出,重複錄過,并校正而修改之;及余平日聞於鄉老之言,有談水程之處,并各渠舊日相沿之習慣,特筆述之,製成篇〔幅〕(副),都為一冊,名曰《清峪河各渠記事簿》,以便臨時檢閱,兼以備查考云耳。

清峪河流毛坊渠及各私渠記 (275/126-278/127)

清峪河各渠始末記 (168-176/77)
[…] 後又於四渠之上,河之東岸,開一小渠,名曰毛坊渠。毛坊堰者,開於三原縣屬之毛坊里,橫水鎮下河之東岸,以灌毛坊、楊杜二里田地。
今又於四大堰之上,毛坊堰之下,開立私渠。在河南北各開一,築二堰,一曰荊堰,一曰笆堰,澆馮村、楊杜村旁河灘地,共灌田一頃一十畝。毛坊渠詳載《陝西省志》、《三原縣志》,荊笆堰省志縣志均不載。然二堰總以一毛坊堰貫之,當時亦澆地無多。四渠利夫,因其無大害事,亦未深究,憑官斷定,每日只以灌澆五畝爲限,以外不准多澆分厘地畝,且晝澆夜閉,至今傳爲口談。 […]